
A catch all category for posts that are neither specific to a Microsoft technology which has its own dedicated category or posts that aren’t based on a Microsoft technology, as rare as those are.

Mix ’08 and My Thoughts

Late last night, I watched some interesting content from the Mix ’08 show from Microsoft. I took the time to watch the two keynote presentations, firstly introducing Microsoft’s new web technologies and the second being an interview with Steve Ballmer.

Whilst I am not a developer, there are some things which do realy excite me when it comes down to web development and the new functionality which people are driving through sites like social networking and the demand for richer, faster and more integrated web experiences, and for me, a lot of the things that came up in the Mix ’08 keynotes did it for me.

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So Jackie has managed to break her laptop and get XP into a reboot loop, so I thought I would Google the problem quickly before I attempt to replace the majority of the system files to fix the problem.

After Googling it, I found a link to a site which suggested the fix for the problem. I can’t remember the link for the site, but the site was the site for an MVP (Microsoft Valuable Professional) who is basically someone who provides support for people on the Microsoft community forums.

The ironic part of this rather dull story is that on this guys web site, who is an MVP, there was a search box for Google and also Google AdSense adverts.

Now I would have thought Microsoft would have rules to stop people doing things like that with the Big G!

Rise of the Live Brigade

Over the last two weeks, things have changed around these parts. I’ve upgraded to Vista on my PC – Vista Business SP! if were going to get technical which we will of course 🙂

Having upgraded to Vista, I’ve been more interested in some of the things Microsoft are doing at the moment – Yes it is possible for me to be more interested in something Microsoft are doing than I was previously!

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First Tooth, Busy Day

I haven’t blogged anything in quite a while now, so I thought I would write one about the fun of today.

It’s half term this week for swimming so there wasn’t any getting up early to get out of the house and get ready to go swimming with the girls. No, instead Maddy woke up at about 6.30am and with me not being on any kind of plain of reality, my brain assumed it was a work day, so without thinking about it, I got up and got in the shower and upon returning to the bedroom I noticed it wasn’t even 7am by this point.

I decided that I’d go downstairs at that point as I’d promised Nicky a lie in today.

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The Internet and IPv6

The internet obviously uses IPv4 currently and as we all know the world is running out of addresses and the obviously solution to the problem is replace IPv4 with IPv6, however based on the fact that we are talking about the internet and not just some little home network or even something bigger like an enterprise, the issue becomes extremely complicated.

Changing the internet to use IPv6 would probably in actual fact be a total no no because it would be damn near if not completely impossible to complete the task and then the question of the actual deployment would be an issue.

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Is Atom Atomic or a White Dwarf?

Atom is the latest breakthrough to be announced from Intel, and it sounds very promising if your in the market for small and portable.

Atom is a totally new design microprocessor from Intel designed for the mobile device and ultra-portable device market such as PDA’s, Handhelds and Ultra-Portable notebooks. Unlike most of the processors from Intel of late, this one has been designed from the ground up as a new technology, and not an alteration of something of the previous generation.

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Stealth Patch

So ever since the firmware update 1.8 for the PlayStation 3, media sharing has not been working for me, nor many other people if you believe anything you read on the Sony PlayStation 3 forums.

Firmware update 1.8 according to Sony fixes some little bugs which are nothing to do with media sharing? So why did it break – The answer it nobody seems to know – Everything else on the PlayStation works fine, although some users reported issues with Folding@Home not that I ever use this, but media sharing is an issue for me being that I like to listen to music or watch something DivX via the network after Sony released the DivX update for the PS3 late last year – Before Microsoft released it for the XB360 may I add 🙂

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I’m a Tourist

So today I was in London for work and I was being my normal self following the directions of TomTom on my phone because I knew that where I was going was just down the road, so not worth the effort of getting back on the tube and changing lines etc, but because I know London walking about as well as I do how to build a jet engine, I need TomTom and there I find myself looking at the Houses of Parliment and Big Ben in the distance whilst Downing Street is over to my right with New Scotland yard just ahead.

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My Birthday

It’s late I know, but I didn’t get a chance to blog on it at the time.

As you may or may not know, it was my birthday on the 9th – I’m now 22, so I’m slowly getting older. With this old age comes brokeness as my doctor won’t tell you because of doctor patient confidentiality, but I’ll find out if I really am broken when they get my test results back.

I had a good birthday. even though it wasn’t anything special. Mum and Dave and Mick came over and we got a curry in from Chineham Indian which was nice.

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