
A catch all category for posts that are neither specific to a Microsoft technology which has its own dedicated category or posts that aren’t based on a Microsoft technology, as rare as those are.

My Phone

So today was contract renewal and phone upgrade day.

I went to Carphone Warehouse on my way home knowing that on Monday they had 200 HTC Touch HD’s in stock in the warehouse.

Much to my disappointment they have managed to flog all 200 of them so they are out of stock and probably won’t get more for another two weeks. It’s just lucky my Nicky loves me as she’s let me have her two day old Touch HD and she’s going to take my upgrade.

Thanks x

The Pain I Go Through

So in case reading my recent blogs you hadn’t noticed, I’m posting a lot of my blogs with Polaroid style images which hasn’t appeared before.

Well it’s all part of the all new Baby-Green. Last weekend I was up until 3:30am migrating the site to a new web host to give us some more functionality. The new host lets me use Silverlight and ASP.NET code which I’m going to be taking advantage of soon starting with the wedding subdomain (

The problem previously was that TextDrive did not permit FTP access to the server where as the new host does which allows me to directly add content via Windows Live Writer.

On the cards are a recode of the PHP scripts for the wedding site into ASP.NET and using Silverlight Adaptive Streaming and Silverlight Slideshows to show off the media from the wedding.

Over time I’m going to be redesigning the Baby-Green site in this way also which will be version 3 of the website. My plan is to make it not only better looking and give a much better user experience for the users of the site but to make it easier for me to manage and generate content. That way you get a better looking, better working and more current website for viewing.

The forum and the blog will also get updates to the latest code base and the same redesign. The blog is already running the latest code base with the latest updates to the add-on’s in use which I did as part of the migration.

Today’s the Day I Invest in HTC

Well not technically true because I’ve been using HTC devices for about the last three years, with my HTC Wizard first, my HTC Artemis now, but today my 18 month contract with O2 UK is eligible for upgrade, so I’m trotting down to Carphone Warehouse after work to order my HTC Touch HD.

They don’t keep them in stock in the stores but they deliver to home, so tomorrow when I finish work I shall be in possession of it.

Nicky got hers earlier this week and it’s gorgeous…I can’t wait.

The Future has Landed in Our Kitchen

Well I said I was going to get a server for my birthday and I wasn’t kidding.

It arrived yesterday with FedEx – My nice new Dell PowerEdge SC1425.
Unfortunately my birthday isn’t until Wednesday next week so I’m not allowed to start playing with it until then say the powers that be although I did fire it up last night to make sure all was well – It’s quiet compared to the 6450 I have currently but we’ll see how that pans out with some load 🙂

My Birthday

So it’s my birthday on Thursday next week – Not long now.
I’ve been getting pretty pumped over the last couple of weeks about asking people for a new server for our house and I had my heart and mind set on a Dell PowerEdge 2650.

Well I was looking on eBay at the weekend at which one to buy from which seller when I found a beauty. I was hoping for the Dual 2.4GHz Xeons, but this guy has the Dual 3.06GHz Xeons and the seller was a bit silly as his price was about £100 under everyone else selling a 2650. Silly me though….I deliberated for too long and someone else realised his mistake.

Feeling a bit bummed out Nicky looked the sellers other stuff and saw a PowerEdge I’ve never heard of before. It’s a Dell PowerEdge SC1425. It’s 1U with Dual 2.8GHz Xeons. I was sceptical at first as being 1U it only takes 2 hard disks, but wait….it takes SATA disks.

It was bought fairly soon after, so some April 9th, I will be in possession of my new server.

A Few Wedding Snaps

I know it’s very unlike me to put pictures on Facebook as I like to only put images on our website, but while I wait for the images to come through from my Dad and brother Dan, I thought I would put a few of the snaps from the day on Facebook just to get things rolling.

There’s nothing too exciting up there – It’s just random snaps from throughout the day.

Enjoy x

The Danger of Social Networking: Facebook in this Case

So I use social networking sites like Facebook, and hell – I spend quite a lot of time lurking around the Microsoft sites and Windows Live sites which is loosely social networking, but this example just goes to prove two things:

– How dangerous Facebook can be without proper thought
– How stupid this person is.

The article is about a girl who got sacked three weeks after starting a job because she wrote on Facebook about how boring the job is. Now fine the job may have been boring and if you want to tell people on Facebook about it to share your life then great: But if your going to do that make sure first nobody in your friends works for said company or set your permissions properly so that lurkers (like your boss for example) can’t see that message.

If you don’t know how to set your permissions properly this article at AllFacebook will help you:

I’m a PC and I’m 4 Years Old

I keep seeing this video popping up on various different sites and think it’s cute so wanted to blog it for anyone I know to see. I really need to get Maddy to record a video saying “I’m a PC and I’m 2 Years Oldâ€? 🙂

<br /><a href="" target="_new" title="Kylie uses Windows Live Photo Gallery">Video: Kylie uses Windows Live Photo Gallery</a>