Richard J Green

Support My Wife Without a Penny from Your Pocket

Apologies to those who come here for a techo-fix but I’ve got to drop one personal post in here from time to time 🙂

My wife who is currently a 3rd year university student studying a degree in Midwifery has the option to be able to do an elective period of voluntary placement work overseas during this, her last year of the course. She is looking to work in Gibraltar for two weeks to complete this elective work module because it gives her a taste of how they do things overseas without the complexities of a language barrier.

These elective placements are not paid work and they are essentially working for free in exchange for getting their hands on experience and learning.

Because there are already enough charities asking for your money each month, she’s decided to take a different tact to fundraising using a site called Easy Fundraising. The way this site works is that when you go about your travels of the Internet, buying your wares from eBay, Amazon or other retailers, Easy Fundraising collect a small percentage of the value of the sale from the online stores in referral fees.

Simply visit or using the short-link I have created and make your online purchases via the Easy Fundraising site and we collect the referral bonuses. Sadly, I must confess that you do need to register on the Easy Fundraising site before you can support a cause.

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